Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Thank you and good bye (for now) to our family and friends in Southern Utah, we have forever

I write this emotional post as a thank-you to all who helped us succeed in our life for the past eight years. So many people helped, so many people who are not even pictured here, including my sisters, my parents, Laramie's brothers and family and some close friends who helped significantly over the years. We love you all, we love your willingness to give. You helped our family be able to prosper during some difficult times. 

Laramie began remodeling this home over 11 years ago. We were married over seven and a half years ago. In that time we added three more children to our family, remodeled two bathrooms, living room, bedrooms, all doors, two windows, repaired the roof, the chimney, added a fence, repainted inside and out, added new trim, textured the ceilings, carpeted, added travertine floors, decorated, messed up, broke and repaired and grew many gardens, flowers, added grass, retaining wall and countless other little things. We began; homeschooling, we had a successful home-birth, we learned, we cried we saved money, we spent lot's of money. My 12 year old son, grew into a young man. 

Over a year ago we decided to get serious about finishing many small projects and move to Sevier County, Utah over 2 and a half hours away. It is a magical place for us around July when we go up and escape for vacation every year. Laramie's family lives there and we have often said we would move up there in enough time our children would enjoy living in a smaller town and country. Over 11 months ago Laramie found a job up North and took it, staying with his family during the week and coming home on weekends. It has been a strain and sacrifice for our family. There have been many times, we have sat at the door and cried waving at Laramie as he drove away. Many times Laramie stopped the car just to drive back for one more hug and kiss. 

We worked through emergency room visits for bonked heads, visited the doctor for stitches, recovered from family illness, loved through Christmas, Easter and many other weekends. We prayed to keep vision, even when it didn't seem to make sense. We have learned to study the scriptures and understand the gospel of Jesus Christ in a deep and personally meaningful way. 

My ward and neighbors (in the Bloomington neighborhood). You have taught me at a most critical learning period in my life. I love you all. My sweet ward and my sweet neighbors are what make this move so hard. The remodel on our home conditioned us to be stronger, but you were what made it possible to get over some serious obstacles, like a massive yard clean up, cleaning, packing and organizing with small children (as a semi/ single parent, while Laramie was at work), through injuries, illness and frustrations. Not to mention helping us build and grow spiritually. I saw the inner genius and felt my testimony grow for the meaning of what ward family really means. There was always someone who would step in at the right moment with a treat, a meal, a kind word or a helping hand. This past Sunday Sue Eyering and Wendy Ludlow showed up at my doorstep with a plan to have the ward as a group family home evening project, show up and help us pack. It was the greatest blessing you could ever have imagined. Laramie could not get the time off of work this week sufficient to help me pack and move. I have felt overwhelmed and have continued to pray for the energy and ability to be ready to move. It was miraculous! In two hours my home was packed and in a moving trailer you had paid for. We had meals brought to us, my extra laundry was taken by Sue platt and Sue Eyering and done! There were over 35 people in my home. It was amazing! Including (just listing from the top of my head here people who represented their famiy: Cary's, Thoman's Webs, Thomas's, Wrights, Pearson's, Ludlow's, Eyring's, Talbots, Platt's, Snows, Adam's Scott's, Baresco's, Watson's, Lambs and Bishop's...and many more.

Also thank you Rosine, Lauren, Glenda, Lyla, Marilyn, Cary, Amanda, Twila, Kellie, Vincent and Amber. I may never stop being able to thank you all. I have many, many mentors in the ward. All those who I have not mentioned, please know I have thought of you. I know you and I will never forget you. So many of you who gently taught me, refined me through their patient service. How will I ever be able to thank you? I love you! You were direct answers to my prayers, to our prayers as a family. We have kept you in our hearts and prayers regularly. 
Thank you to our family and friends who have encouraged us. We love you. We love the gifts and help you have given us. We just love you so much! There are too many people to list. It is worth saying again. I love you all. Thank you Nichol who encouraged me daily and taught me how to properly paint. Thank you to my mom, Malea and Tobi (my sisters) who were able to help at just the right times. Thank you to my many homeschool friends. I love you! Thank you to my mentor Tresta Neil, for the past two years, you have taught me on a weekly basis. You have encouraged me to dream, to have vision and how to manifest! You helped me recognize inspiration, you helped me make it through some very tough moments. You helped me create a venue in which I could serve God and give back.

My Brother in law, Matt Scott, reminded me while I was struggling to say goodbye to our home, that we can't take it with us. All we can take is our are experiences and gained knowledge. We may not be able to take our friends with us at the moment, but we have grown to be a better people because of them. We have them for forever.  So please know, If we don't see each-other in this life, be certain that I will be looking for you in the next. I love you my friends!

I know God lives and has organized his kingdom in a way so that we may bless each-other all the way back into His presence. God be with you till we meet again.

We look forward to the future and plan to keep you update as we progress and learn. Till then!