A Perfect Brightness of Hope Photography Object Lesson

How can we better understand a perfect brightness of hope as stated in 2 Nephi 31:20?
This is a brief overview. I am open for 50 minute firesides and presentations.

I have a perfect way to explain a perfect brightness using basic understanding of light and photography to help us better understand.
What is a perfect brightness? (by the way there was an amazing article in the Ensign March 2016 this last month on light of a perfect day) It was brilliant. So with that one in mind to study, I add this presentation. 

We must all agree it is God's perfect knowledge, his perfect love and his perfect power. 
Our perception of knowledge and love is obviously less than that of God's.

It is explained in how our eyes can comprehend light waves. There is an infinite range of lightwaves, but human eyes can only perceive a very small portion of light and even color. 

So in camera terms, people have the ability to see only a 24 stops of that range of light. In lay man's terms this means we have 24 hue differences between what we can perceive as the brightest white and the darkest dark. The camera however has a narrower range of 12 stops, where it can really only accomidate the lightest light and darkest dark. Truthfully, there are many tricks to capture a wider range and then manipulate it into view, but for now we are going to use this narrow perspective to our advantage. Likening it to our own narrow accommodation of spiritual light we can really perceive comparatively to God's range of light. 

Now here is the part you might need to pause. Camera's, when they meter any subject, meter everything at 18% grey, many photographers call this middle grey. This way if you meter for someone wearing dark jeans, the jeans will look grey. If you meter for a wedding dress, the white wedding dress will also look that very same grey. The purpose is to make it so the camera will bring that one metered element, or that one subject you choose to "focus on" and then that range. Isn't it interesting, when we meter or point our spiritual camera meter and focusing on any particular element of life, our spiritual eyes will adjust to that perspective and bring that dark thing or light thing to middle grey so we can perceive all the details.  How does this relate to a perfect brightness? Allow me to illustrate with the next image. 

My camera metered for the shadows of this tree. So it put this dark bark as middle grey and the lighter values were literally pushed past the 12 stops of light the camera can perceive. Making anything lighter than this tree impossible to comprehend. In-fact you can not discern the details in the whites.  

Now look at this next image? This is the same tree. Could you discern in the last image that this temple was in the background?

No, you could not. In fact, you could hardly discern that there was a building there at all! In this second image, by metering properly, I have metered for the whites and now, we can discern the whiter and lighter whites! Before you could not discern that there were clouds in the sky! Now, you can see the difference between the blue sky and the white clouds. You can also discern that there is something brighter in the sky, portions of clouds are discernible, although all the details of some of that cloud are not. 

As I have explored a perfect brightness state in 2nd Nephi, I have thought about brightness in regards to photography. I know our perception of spiritual light, white (pure) and bright (truth), changes and varies depending on our focus. Our understanding diminishes or increases depending on what we do, it is never the same.
This explains the Lord's perfect brightness. When we focus on spiritually dark elements, we can not discern the light. In-fact we tend to think that, the darkness IS lightness. We are even confused at the source of light. (The darkness comprehended it not) We are literally turning away from the true light source and our spiritual eyes adjust and bring the details of the darkness into view. However, when we are made aware of God's commandments, His principles and his doctrine. We apply, act, obey doing the necessary steps of faith we are turning toward the true light source. Lightness or the brighter things will become discernible and we can see there are even higher laws that were not before discernible, that exist. Line upon line, God revels his truth as well continue to meter for the light or brightness. 

"the gradual increase of light radiating from the rising sun is like receiving a message from God 'Line upon line, precept upon precept' 2 Nephi 28:30 This pattern of revelation tends to be more common than rare." Elder Bednar

Below is the same image side by side. Spiritually, we could be right next to truth and still not comprehend it if we are still metering for darkness. 

When our prophets have said that Prayers, reading our scriptures, having Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Repentance, Baptism (taking the sacrament), and the receive and maintain the gift of the Holy Ghost. We see that these are all repetitive steps to move toward more discernment of brighter and brighter ways, of understanding of the how the atonement is applied and receiving more joy!

Hope is the desire that is completely aligned with our savior Jesus Christ and his will. 

Often, we can struggle to comprehend a purpose of a doctrine or commandment. By correctly metering through obedience, our understanding then comes into view. Sometimes it takes time to discern more light, sometimes, those elements come immediately. But like Elder Holland said in his talk Good things to come "Be not afraid, only believe" When we believe we are turning toward hope in Christ's way we can believe what Gordon B Hinkley Said: "God is at the Helm. Never doubt it, He will open the way when there appears to be no way." Here is the potential to discern more light! https://www.lds.org/broadcasts/article/evening-with-a-general-authority/2015/02/helping-with-the-real-issues?lang=eng

Thomas S Monson Said: “My beloved brothers and sisters, fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.”

When our eyes have adjusted to darkness, it may seem, light enough, however we are missing out on that perfect brightness!
Elaine L Jack said:

•“Knowledge does away with darkness, suspense and doubt for these cannot exits where knowledge is…In knowledge there is power. God has more power than all other beings, because He has greater knowledge; and hence He knows how to subject all other beings to Him. He has power over all” (Teachings: Joseph Smith, 265; emphasis added)

“That which is of God is light, and continue in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day”
Doctrine and Covenants 50:24

Elain L Jack also said: Hope Matters; your hope matters. With Faith, Hope and Charity we will always abound in Good works. 

The word HOPE is sure, unwavering and active. Hope in God's true laws, principle and ordinances (Three more words that also act in unity for salvation, which would be in the center). 

A friend recently confronted me and said: I wish I could have blind faith like you! My reply was not perfect. All I said was that Faith is not blind. This is what I felt in my heart and realized after pondering that experience over and over:

Faith is not Blind!
I know where I am
I know where I have been. I know that these patterns of learning, of revelation come to pass. 
And I have a perfect brightness of hope of things to come
This is Knowledge and an increase of Understanding! Line upon Line!
Doctrine and Covenants 93:24
“Truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come”

“That which is of God is light, and continue in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day”
Doctrine and Covenants 50:24

May we focus on the bright truth our Savior Jesus Chirst gives us, line upon line. Through asking questions and seeking through sincere prayer, fervent study of the scriptures and modern days prophets words. That we may have the fruit of Joy and we continue, over and over to see more details in the light. Through recording, remembering and rejoicing (3 more words), God will reveal to us through the Holy Ghost increased understanding. Me we continue our perfect brightness of hope! 
-Sharee Jones

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