Monday, November 5, 2018

The Liahona was a Family Compass and a Leadership Tool

After women's conference president Nelson asked the sisters to read the Book of Mormon before the end of the year. At that time I had been in the book of Ether and although I was nearly finished with the Book of Mormon, I decided to start over and begin a study of the Book of Mormon with the emphasis of seeking for learning the attributes of the Savior. I have found the peaceful Saviors name in varying form and theme everywhere, as well as Christ-like attributes in the prophets who wrote about Him. As I went through the 1st book of Nephi and contemplated Lehi's journey to the promise land, the Spirit whispered to my heart. Nephi was a Godly man who understood and loved family, who believed and understood unity which aided him in Gathering the Family of God to the promised land, something that many would have abandoned in his circumstance.

You see, when the Lehi family completed their mission to; obtain their genealogy, their scripture's/ the Brass Plates, understand the purpose of their mission through revelation of the Tree of Life and marry Ishmeal's daughters they were permitted to move forward on their journey. This next call came with direct guidance to move forward as a group with the introduction of the Liahona a divine compass directed by the Lord to call that everyone in the Lehi party unite under the first law of heaven, obedience. Yes, everyone needed to be obedient in order for the spindles to carefully, specifically guide them through the wilderness. This ball of curious workmanship gave specific and plain direction to make it to the promised land, including where to find food! The Liahona was given, in true Patriarchal order, to the Patriarch of the family, Lehi. This extraordinary tool from the Lord was a family compass, a group compass. This was a compass meant to unify the Lehi and Ishmael family in their spiritual and temporal journey to the promise land. This unity was also meant to include each person's individual process of being an obedient, covenant keeping people and accomplishing the task to bring not just one person, but the entire family through the Atonement of the Savior, even our beloved leader Nephi.

In the past I have thought of the Liahona from the perspective of correcting the disobedient and reminding them to obey. For instance when the family faced starvation when food became scarce from the bows loosing their spring. The breaking point for our valiant Lehi happened when Nephi broke his bow. Nephi is learning the process of overcoming hardship, even negativity in any way and you will see his efforts will be blesses. Nephi came up with a solution made a new hand crafted bow, then asked his father to ask the Lord where to find food to hunt, Lehi was chastened and repented. Only after repentance and Nephi looking upon the Liahona did the spindles begin to work again and the family had direction to obtain food. Nephi went and obtained food.

This is when it became obvious that the Liahona was a blessing to Nephi to continue to be ever obedient, optimistic, full of love filled Nephi. I imagine the evaluation Nephi went through when he realized that this compass would only work when the family worked together in obedience. It probably brought him great joy for the family to have a witness of the boundaries the Lord was giving them to be dedicated to the cause. It probably also became a blessing to Nephi's leadership role for the rest of the family that this compass was a family effort even through discouragement, hardship and persecution to continue in "with all energy" to motivate, cultivate, nature, strengthen, promote, correct, fortify and rally an entire family. We see the fruits of his labor in 2 Nephi Chpter 5 verses 6 through 16 where they prospered and were able to build and enjoy the blessings of the temple. Nephi needed the Liahona.

Despite physical and mental abuse Nephi had always been positive, encouraging and looking for solutions and spoke to his brethren, encouraging them. When the miracle of finding food became apparent to Nephi, I imagine Nephi did some true evaluation of his role in the family. When Nephi sought direction on the Liahona, imagine his thrill as he went forth to the place directed and was able to "slay wild beasts." Nephi had discovered a pattern of "group effort" and taking action even in the most difficult circumstances. I am certain it took sincere and heartfelt prayer as each trial or challenge encouraged him to find insight when persecution had been ongoing and eminent as they traveled this journey together. I imagine these trials had Nephi turning to the scriptures for understanding that gave him power to speak to his brethren in boldness, love and all energy of heart. Nephi loved the scriptures. It was this dedication to act, line upon line that gave him the ability to discern between his own voice and the voice of the Lord even to the protection of his life and he always looked forward to seek for ways to protect his posterity through record keeping.

Nephi and his mission to support the Lords program was protected. No, Nephi was not always popular, but he was protected from death and was given the strength to endure persecution, keep perspective that this journey to the promised Land was about Gathering the Family of God in both a literal and theological sense. He valued life, he loved everyone, Nephi became a shepherd. As Gary E Stephenson said, "We understand that a true shepherd loves his sheep, knows each one by name, and “has personal interest in” them."

As you go forth in striving to do good and be good, our modern day Liahona's; from scriptures, words of the prophets, to our own patriarchal blessings, all are meant to encourage and strengthen our willingness to continue to gather the Family of God. We need each other warts and all. The preparation of the Second Coming of the Savior, the Plan of Salvation is meant to be a FAMILY/Group EFFORT. Gathering is meant to influence, encourage repentance to the struggling and faint of heart, to the most valiant hearts to even the most wicked hearts. Those who are striving to be valiant need to be reminded to not give up on our brothers and sisters with whom we are traveling. Even when those we are closest with struggle with testimonies, complaining, depression, and discouragement, remember to turn to the word of God! You may even come across those who might throw out accusations, spreading false reports. Sink to your knees in prayer, plead to be filled with charity, the pure love of God. Nephi followed the Savior's example he witnessed in vision. Elder Holland reminded us in conference that the Lord was "Wounded in the house of his friends." The Lord was the ultimate "Prince of Peace" and as we follow His example and the example of Nephi, we will be successful in our efforts to gather the Family of God. You will find strength and power to pause, ponder, kneel in humility to ask for the guidance from a loving Heavenly Father, apply the Atonement of the Savior, tune out the noise, listen to the Spirit deeply, seek out and search the scriptures, do a search for a conference talk,  to discern your own heart, to see others for whom they really are. You will know how to proceed in righteousness, love God, his children and support his program as Nephi did,  he loved his Father in Heaven, his Savior Jesus Christ and supported His program.
Nephi needed a family compass as he strove to Gather the Family of God to the promise land.

Elder Eyring Said:
This is the work of our generation, what the Apostle Paul called “the dispensation of the fulness of times,” when he said God would “gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him” (Ephesians 1:10). This is made possible through the atoning work of God’s Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Because of Him, our family members, “who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us” (Ephesians 2:13–14). You have felt this, as I have, when you have experienced an increase of love as you looked at the picture of an ancestor. You have felt it in the temple when the name on a card seemed like more than a name, and you couldn’t help but sense that this person was aware of you and felt your love.
I testify that God the Father wants His children home again, in families and in glory. The Savior lives. He directs and blesses this work, and He watches over and guides us. He thanks you for your faithful service in gathering His Father’s family, and I promise you the inspired help that you seek and need. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.